Appointment Information

We no longer require your COVID status. Please us know the day before if you have cold and flu symptoms or if you have COVID. You may be asked on arrival to wear a mask if you have cold and flu symptoms or COVID.

 We are located in “Benson Street Specialists Centre”. Signage on the building directory board and on our front door will state “Benson Street Specialists Centre”. 

Our street address is: 

Benson House
2 Benson Street
Level 1, Suite 31
Toowong QLD 4066

View Map

 Access to our rooms is via the front of the building. We are located directly opposite Toowong Village Shopping Centre. You may use the overpass foot bridge from Toowong Village Shopping Centre, and then turn towards Coronation Drive and the City. We are 3 buildings down, on the river side. Please call ahead for information about disabled access. 

 Our phone number is 07 31885152. 

Our office hours are 8:30am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday. Our office is closed between 12:00pm (noon) and 1:00pm. A voicemail service is available if you call outside these hours. 

There is no on-site parking. There is limited parking in the adjacent streets. There are parking facilities across the road at the Toowong Village Shopping Centre. Alternatively, there is good public transport to Toowong via bus, rail and ferry. To plan your journey, please contact Translink on 13 12 30 or visit their website. 

There is good public transport to Toowong via bus, rail and ferry. To plan your journey, please contact Translink on 13 12 30 or visit their website.

We generally book 2 or 3-hour appointments. 

Occasionally, the appointments may run longer than the allocated time or you may be required to attend a number of appointments with Dr Beech. For clients who are being seen more than once, please be aware that your legal representative will be able to confirm the dates and times of the follow up appointments. 

If you are an adult, DO NOT bring children along to your appointment. There are no child-minding facilities. If the child is to be interviewed, please be aware that it is Dr Beech’s practice to interview the child alone. He also needs to be able to speak to a parent, guardian, or carer, so someone needs to come who can mind the children under the age of 14 years while this is occurring. 

Please ensure you arrive at least 10 minutes prior to your appointment. The majority of appointments commence on time. 

Please see the receptionist on arrival. You may be required to complete a client details form. You will need to provide photo identification and a copy of your identification may be taken and held on file for verification purposes so please bring your Driver’s Licence, Passport or 18+ card. 

If you wear reading glasses or use hearing aids, please bring them with you to your appointment. 

You will be directed to the waiting area. The waiting room is a place for you to compose yourself and wait for your interview with Dr Beech. We suggest you wait quietly and avoid the distractions of your mobile phone and the stresses of everyday life.

Dr Beech does not consent to interviews being recorded.

A copy of the report will be forwarded to your legal representative once it has been completed and finalised by Dr Beech. The process can take a couple of weeks. 

You legal presentative will contact you once they have received the report. 

If an interpreter is required, this should be pre-arranged with the person making your appointment for the duration of the interview. A relative is not usually suitable.

Information Sheet

Our Medico-legal Appointment Information sheet is available for download below, which includes all of the above information.